Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hello again from Bangkok, Bangkapi district actually

Well, we already have the first half of our teaching assignment completed at the Santisuk English Speaking school here in Bangkapi district. Our team teaches from 7:00 am until 9:00 pm  Monday through Thursday, which started on Feb. 6. Lyndell has an early morning class from 7:00 to 9:00 as does Gary and then after an hour break Gary has another class from 10:00 to 12:00. There are four levels for English training at the school each lasting for one month. There are also some advanced classes after the first four have been successfully completed. Lyndell has been teaching a Level 2 class with some help from Moriah, while Gary has two Level 4 classes.

Santisuk English School (also site for Peace Fellowship Church)
Poster of three new teachers at Santisuk English School
Curriculum samples

Pastor Cable teaching on the Biblical true meaning of love for Valentine's Day

Some members of Lyndell's class
Moriah's Valentine gift to students, balloon kitties

Gary's 10:00 class

In addition to class time we are encouraged to spend as much time with the students as their often busy schedule permits. Usually that involves eating breakfast with the first class at 9:00 and lunch with the others at 12:00.

Breakfast with students

Besides our regular times with the students we try to schedule other outside class events where we can continue to develop relationships. So we have been invited to several outdoor street markets, a tour of the Grand Palace including a major temple housing the Emerald Buddha, bowling, a movie (Les Miserables), and playing card games, badminton and table tennis.

Two halls and a pavilion on the Grand Palace grounds
Temple of the Emerald Buddha (sorry no pictures permitted inside)

Guardians of a temple at the Grand Palace

His looks alone should scare anyone away
Lunch with students after touring the Grand Palace
Fried rice in pineapple boat
Sea Bass Delight- delicious
Tuk tuk ride leaving Grand Palace

The days seem to be flying along at a rapid pace with so much to do besides class time preparation and grading essay papers. Friday evenings we have a gathering for a meal followed by a worship service  in the Thai language at Peace Fellowship Church at the Santisuk School building and graciously translated for us.

Friday evening outdoor service
Sunday mornings and extending into the early mid-afternoon our team members are divided up into different cell groups for times of worship, prayer, sharing from the word and some Bible teaching. Sunday evening we can attend an English speaking service at the church if we are not involved with some activity with our students. Thus, it has been difficult to actually find some time to make a new blog entry since we first started teaching a couple weeks ago.

Our Sunday morning cell group

Lunch with cell group in apartment

Moriah enjoying baby Mercy at cell group

Lyndell getting her grandmother fix with baby Mercy
Pizza party at our apartment

Good price for fish heads- must be the season we guess
We could choose the squid which is really popular here in Thailand
Frogs as another option with insides hanging out to assure us they are fresh

Decided to try the fish with bodies attached
Snapper grilled on the street to perfection
Top it off with a Passion fruit shake for Valentine's Day of course
Belated Valentine's Day greetings

Removal of hair using a thread snapped across the face- looked painful to us.
Gary said he will stick to his safety razor, thank you
Day view of Amphawa Floating Market in Samut Songkram Province south of Bangkok
Boating with students and a fellow teacher couple Darrel and Diane  

Going down the lazy river to a site in order to view the spectacular fireflies at night

Night view of Amphawa Floating Market cooking food on the river

Eating dinner prepared on the river

Here are the nicknames of our students, which everyone seems to go by here in Thailand, since their real names are often long and quite difficult to pronounce. There are fewer men because they don't seem as interested in learning English as do the women. The men are Yo, Prince, and Nont. The women are Pong, Tid, Wan, Noy, Muay, Jube, Phet, Hanis, Nan, Bow, Noi, Sung, two named Mai and two named Ice. The classes are small which gives greater opportunity to get to know the students better.

Class time offers many moments for some good laughs as the students really enjoy attempting to repeat over and over the words that are difficult for them to pronounce. As an aid to learning we include some time for singing simple Christian songs such as "Jesus Loves Me", "This Little Light of Mine", "Beloved Let Us Love One Another", "Sing Hallelujah" and so on. With each song we give some explanation of the words we are singing.

Part of each day's curriculum includes a Bible story that the students read for their comprehension section. Most of them have never heard these stories before and are very interested in learning more about things like creation, and the miracles of Jesus.

One student said that he had a hard time actually believing that the miracles like bringing someone back to life were true. Another one said that she had a difficult time believing that Jesus could have stilled a storm. Yet another mentioned that Jesus seemed very much like the prophet Mohammed of Islam. Statements like these and others open up opportunities to demonstrate the uniqueness of Jesus. We explain that even in the time of Jesus people were amazed when they witnessed these miracles because they were events the people had never seen before such as a man named Lazarus being raised from the dead. Even the disciples of Jesus marveled when at his word the seas became calm and wondered what kind of man could do such a thing. Throughout all the recorded miracles in the Bible Jesus was clearly revealing himself to be more than a mere human being. He could heal the sick, make the blind to see and the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak, command the lame to walk, feed thousands with a five loaves of bread and two small fish, cast out demons from the tormented, turn water into wine, and even raise the dead back to life because, amazing as it is to believe, Jesus was God in the flesh. The one all powerful God can do anything He chooses to do including forgiving us when we repent of our sins and trust what His Son has done for us by suffering and dying on the cross.

Another young woman commented that she understood that the most important person in Gary's  life was Jesus, but the most important person in her life was the Buddha. She felt that whenever she had a problem she could go to the Buddha and he would help her although she still struggled with some issues including anger. Gary asked her if it would be best to ask a dead person or a living person for help. He explained that although the Buddha was a good man who apparently said many good things, died and has not been seen since. Jesus, however, died and came back from the dead and spent 40 days with his followers before ascending back to heaven and promised to return to judge the world. Christians believe that this living God is now able and willing to help His children whenever they call to Him in prayer.

Thailand is a contrast in beauty and darkness. The land displays its natural beauty during the day in the smiles and creative artistry of the people. However, we have been told that at night the dark side resurfaces as evidenced by the high incidence of prostitution, human trafficking and all that goes along with that business. This serves to remind us that the evil one has a strong foothold here. There is a dim light that has been introduced to Thailand many years ago that needs to shine brighter to display the glory of the gospel of Jesus Christ. May the Lord be merciful to send more workers here so that light may become a blazing flame of God's truth and glory so that many will come to receive His offer of eternal life through faith in His Son.  

Sunset over Bangkok

Grand Palace


  1. What a great summary, we really get the flavor of what you all are seeing. Fish heads and all! Praying that God would be working in their hearts to open their eyes. What are the students interested in and what do they enjoy talking about? Will pass all on to Marilyn.

  2. So great to read through this--and I passed along the blog to your friends at UGM! Looking forward to more posts ;) xo
